It hasn't been the best week.
I've been tired, cranky, and Grad school has been a seven headed beast lately. I had my first test this week over basics of Neuroanatomy. It went very well, but afterwards I was wiped out, and even today I still feel dead to the world.
Oh, well.
So, since I'm feeling a bit down, I figured it would be a good idea to sit down and take stock of the things I'm thankful for.
And, you know, when you think about it, there is a lot to be thankful for. So, I have compiled this list of things I am thankful for to share with all of you.
1. Pteranodon's are Extinct.All too often, the terrible Pteranodon is overshadowed by other, more popular dinosaurs when it comes to the typical nightmare "Jurassic Park" scenario. But when it comes down to it, it's tough to not hear a T-Rex coming for you, the biggest dinosaurs ate vegetables and had the IQ's of very dumb cows, and velociraptors, though legitimate threats, were pretty much stuck to the ground.
Not so with the Pteranodon.
Those frickin' lizards can fly, and they're strong enough to carry you off! On top of that, in case you haven't noticed, winged animals don't typically make a lot of noise when they're hunting something. I'm not talking about the little chirpy birds that sit around and squak at you because they have nothing better to do or they really want to be your friend but they're stupid birds and only know how to say "tweet tweet" because they lack the more complex language association areas that we humans have. No, I'm talking about owls, eagles, and other freaky quiet birds that can see for miles and fly high enough to hide in the sun so you can't see them. THAT's what the Pteranodon would be like if it were still alive today, except it would be several hundred pounds, reptilian, and hungry for man-flesh.
Just think about it. What if you were running late for work and you walked out to your car and saw a flying lizard swooping down to snag your dog? Man, you'd just let it go, wouldn't you? Or worse yet,
what if you were playing with the kids at the park and you forgot to bring your harpoon gun (because we would all carry them around like crazy if those things were still alive - you know I'm right!) and a flock of those things starts picking off kids one by one. Just think of the sheer horror. Hitchcock would never have made
The Birds, either. He would have just made a movie called
Pteranodons, and it would have been comprised entirely of live footage.
So, yeah, I am thankful that winged reptilian death does not descend upon us from the skies. VERY thankful.
2. Chuck Norris can kick the crap out of everybodyIf it came down to it, and the world was being attacked by zombie alien robot ninjas, I know that Chuck Norris would be the first guy on the front lines kicking the crap out of all of them. And the best part of it is that he would win, too. I sleep easier at night knowing he's watching over mankind with his skintight wranglers, awesome Texas Ranger cowboy hat, and can-do attitude. Oh, and he could crush a ninja warrior's head with his thighs. That's an important thing to remember.
3. Frozen Pizzas Don't Judge YouNo matter what kind of a day you've had, a frozen pizza will never judge you, never tell you to shut up and leave it alone, never tell you to clean your room, and, best of all, will always be there for you with a warm reception. Plus, when you get tired of sharing your problems with it, you can eat it.
4. Dr. PepperReally, does this need to be explained? Just don't suck it up your nose through a straw, then snort crushed pop rocks. You will
not be happy with the results.
5. I Got an "A" On A Speech About Cleaning ToiletsFreshman year at KU, in my Speaker/Audience Communication class. The assignment: Give an instructional speech to the class. The topic I chose: Cleaning toilets. Not only did I get an "A", it was one of the best speeches given that entire semester.
6. Nobody's Forcing Me to Watch Anime At GunpointI really don't think we realize how lucky we are that we aren't forced to watch Anime cartoons all day at gunpoint. Sure, there are a few shows that are ok, but for the most part I can't stand the stuff. Plus, what kind of horrible society would that be? What other awful things would they require you to do at the end of a gun's barrel in a world like that? Would they make you listen to Jessica Simpson's albums end on end once a month? Would they randomly make you force-feed a penguin to a walrus? Would you only be able to shop at Saks Fith Avenue, but never have enough money to buy anything and have to endure the jeering looks of the employees as they try to find the most tactful way to throw you out of their store?
7. I don't have to round out lists like this into top ten lists, and I can just end the post whenever I want and go to bed.Which is what I think I will be doing now.
Well, I feel better. After taking a look at the things I have to be thankful for, I can rest easier tonight, knowing that even if Pteranodon's do exist, Chuck Norris will beat the living crap out of them.