Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Prelims: The Verdict


Thank you GOD!!!

That means I'm an official Ph.D candidate!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Prelim Count: 4/4 - Testing Complete

The paper is done and turned in.

Thank you God that the tests are over.  

This has literally been the hardest thing I have ever done.

Please pray that I pass the tests.  The ballot meeting to decide if I made it through is this coming Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.  

I have never felt so spent.  

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Prelim Count: 3/4

Three down. One to go.

Seven and a half ours, counting breaks. I think around six and a half without breaks.

Sixteen pages total. Closer to 15.2. Single spaced.

Glad that one's over.

Now, there's just the paper...

Prelim Update: Round 3

The last test is today.  But I'm not finished yet.  The paper has been extended to Friday.  It needs a lot of work still, according to my advisor.  


That means I'm going to be working on it all day tomorrow and all day Friday.

Don't expect to hear from me for a few days.

In the meantime, round three commences in two hours.  

And by the way:  Google Chrome, Google's new web browser, is totally awesome.  Go download it and give it a try if you haven't.  No time to post a link for it... just google it.  :)