After perusing a few google hits on some old friends of mine, I have begun to wonder about the significance of this blog in the greater scheme of things. Blogs are quickly becoming a primary source of news (for better or worse) in the media (take the well known Wonkette for example). So, does having a blog make me responsible for posting thoughts and information that can better help inform the world? Should I sharpen my rhetorical wit and begin delving into political theory, monitoring candidates and their effectiveness to their constituencies? Should I pour over statistics and current events and try to give some shred of insight on the whole matter?
Nah. To hell with it all.
I started this blasted thing as a vent for my warped sense of humor, and occasionally a soapbox for the little tiny decent part of the shriveled black thing that I call my heart. Hell, I don't even want my real name associated with this blog, so I stick with my freaking gamertag as a handle, for crying out loud.
This thing is for entertainment. MY entertainment. And if other people end up getting entertained or amused along the way, well... whoops, I guess.
Furthermore, I'm no good at political analysis. I can only imagine the horror that would ensue if I were to become one of those trendy new political blogs.
"Um... I think... uh... that... um... the... war... on... terror... is... um... controversial?"
No duh. Next redundancy, captain obvious?
I do, however, enjoy keeping up with current events. But making this a news blog just wouldn't work, as I have this inability to resist the desire to make snide little comments about everything.
For example:
"Michael Jackson was acquitted today, meaning that child molestation is now legal in California."
This would be what the industry calls a "no-no."
Well, unless I was doing things the way the Daily Show does them.
Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. More and more people are turning to the Daily Show for their news nowadays anyway....
Ok. It's settled. The silliness and randomness shall continue. Along with a little more craziness and a dash of biting, scalding wit. That is, as soon as I figure out how to be witty. Dangit. Where's my copy of "Jokes for Dummies?"
Well, hold on a second. Maybe I should face up to current issues. Perhaps that's not such a bad idea after all. I think that perhaps I
should talk about humanity's tendency to be complete and total monsters to one another. You know, death camps, genocides, poverty, world hunger, global warming, Bambi's mom getting shot. That sort of thing. Mix that with a little bit of the perpetual and willing moral decay across the world (yes, it's not just a problem in the United States), add a cup of the global dissolution of the family unit, add a dash of unstable Middle Eastern politics, sprinkle in a bunch of missing Russian nuclear weapons (that as far as I know we still don't know where they all are), bake for a few years in a Korean Nuclear Scandal, and presto: You get the human condition.
In a nutshell, WE SUCK. And I should talk about it.
I mean, I should, right? I could offer an interesting perspective on the topics, couldn't I? As a psychology student, I get to see all of this mess play out first hand on a micro-cosmic sort of level in the basic human mind. Here we have these absolutely magnificent brains that were designed (yes,
designed) to do beautiful, phenomenal things. And, true to our natures, we piss them away, drowning them with excessive generic entertainment, overbearingly sexual advertising, solipsistic decision-making hierarchies, and stale homogeneous music (which, last I checked, was spelled C O L D P L A Y).
I haven't even mentioned the basic American's lack of knowledge about the rest of the world, the whole globalization issue, the third world debt debacle, the fact that we turn to celebrities for moral guidance when they're completely oblivious morons that are morally bankrupt in and of themselves, the fact that we're eating ourselves to death while the rest of the world is starving, the fact that people think "Everybody Loves Raymond" is a funny show, the basic human unwillingness to listen to new perspectives...
Yes, these are the significant issues I want to talk about. The world-views, the thought-patterns, the basic values (or lack thereof), and how they impact (and in many cases cause) the problems in the world. And I choose to meet them head-on with a nasty sense of humor and some substantial Christian hope.
Not with a boring blog.
Or with a wiffle bat.
Especially not with a wiffle bat that has a bunch of those annoying little bells in it that dingle when you swing it so you look like some kind of idiot standing in the middle of the street with a wiffle bat full of dingle-bells taking empty swings at the world's problems. Yeah, that would suck.