Monday, January 22, 2007

News Update Potpourri

Things that happened to me today:

Lab rotations for the intro to statistics class began. I am currently training a group of seven undergrads to essentially do my job for me. Good stuff.

Went to the Doctor's office to get a refill on my meds. While in the waiting room, I had a profound nosebleed that didn't stop for ten minutes. The nurses brought me some gauze, so I realized that I couldn't get away without explaining the fact that I had a particular bleeding disorder called VonWillebrand's, As the result of a past surgery to remove two cysts from my sinus cavities (as some of you will remember), I had quite a bleeding episode in which we discovered said disease. After filling my script, the Doctor took a look at it and discovered that the septum was quite raw. So, he cauterized the raw areas using silver nitrate. Some of the silver nitrate spilled out of my nose, giving me a nice little booger tattoo that I have spent the rest of the day exfoliating. Hopefully, this little procedure will put an end to the bleeding problems... or not. I currently have a little bit of a blood and fluid mixture (not full-on blood) trickling out of that pesky right nostril. Hopefully, it's just the drainage from the chemical burn.

I am officially proposing my Master's Thesis this Friday in a meeting called the T1 Proposal. This is the first step in completing the Thesis itself, where my committee reviews what I plan to do, gives me suggestions and corrections, and then tells me to go out, run the experiment, and bring back the data in the form of a full and complete Master's Thesis. The T1 Proposal is a pretty big deal, and my advisor is very confident that I will do quite well on it. Seeing as we already have one full experiment complete, we hope that things will work out so I can defend my Thesis by the end of the semester... but we'll see. I've spent the last year and a half working on this, and I'm very excited to see how many good things have come out of it.

The wedding marches ever closer as we continue to bend over backwards to try and get it all set up. To be honest, I am so freaking sick of flying back to the midwest. After "Suckmass 2006", traveling anywhere just doesn't appeal to me. Funds are running thin, as are days off and my patience for airlines (that means YOU, United!). I'm content to sit through this semester as a home body, happily working on my thesis with the occasional trip to Seattle.

Oh, and I just picked up an Xbox 360. I'm now back on Xbox live if any of you want to hook up for a few rounds of Gears of War or Lost Planet. My gamertag is RaoulTD. It was nice to be able to talk to my sister long distance over the voice chat feature. It was also nice to see that I could download any number of TV shows and movies directly on to the console's hard drive. Xbox live has freaking blew my mind. Game systems have come a LONG way.


Blogger Fr. David said...

Dude! Didn't even know you were sick. How did you find out you had cysts in your nose?


5:52 AM  
Blogger Raoul The Destroyer said...

Long story.

Started out back in 2001. I have always had brief, very intense sinus headaches ever since high school, and when I was working as a janitor between my sophomore and junior years at KU, those headaches began to be accompanied by unusual nosebleeds. So, we went to go get my nose checked out, and found two cysts in my sinus cavities that had supposedly formed there over several years.

You see, back in second grade, I got in to a fight on the playground that resulted in my head being grabbed from the back and slammed face-first into the ground by another kid. I guess it broke my nose, because it resulted in a deviated septum (this is my best theory as to how the septum became deviated). I was young, so I guess it just took care of itself in terms of setting, leading to the deviation and reduced drainage ability.

Well, I had the surgery to correct the deviation and remove the cysts (turned out to be non-cancerous globs of mucus, which is very good), and things seemed alright until I started having very intense bleeding problems out of my nose. So, we made two trips to the ER, and on the second one they jammed a sponge with a tube up my nose and kept me in the hospital until the bleeding stopped.

Next, they shipped me off to a specialist who ran some tests and found that I had the disease in question. Bear in mind, the surgery and all this stuff happened at the end of 2001, beginning of 2002. I thought everyone knew by now... guess I was wrong. :P

And it's not really a "sickness"... it's just a "condition". I'm used to having "conditions", so it's really not such a big deal for me.

As for "Suckmass 2006": Viva declared this past Christmas "Suckmass 2006" due to the various and sundry schedule problems, lost luggage, airline troubles (United, you still owe me money!), and other horrible things that occured that were far more serious than what I just mentioned but won't go in to here out of respect for the people to whom they happened to.

Suffice to say, it truly was "Suckmass" this year, and not Christmas at all.

Let's just hope there isn't a sequel: "Suckmass II - Suck Harder."

9:41 AM  

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