Sunday, December 03, 2006

Crunch Time... Again

Well, it's that time of the semester when I drop off the face of the planet and try to wrap up my academic work for the semester. As a result, don't expect an update for a week or two... mostly because I won't really have the energy to post anything.

Quick mini-updates:

Still can't find a Wii...
The Fiance went to a conference in San Francisco over the weekend. She's getting back tonight.
Two presentations this week. Lots of work to be done.
Snow on the ground. More on the way.
I'm about ready to kill my CD player - it skips on every disc I put in now.
Wedding plans are going well.
Ninjas abound.

That's all for now. I'll write more when my brain doesn't have fifty things sitting on it all at once and I have more resources to devote to verbal communication.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That abortion was in Oklahoma? My god, androgeny among the rednecks. D

8:14 PM  
Blogger Raoul The Destroyer said...

For the confused, Dad was commenting on a photo displayed on my sister's blog.

So, go check that out if yo uwant to see what he's talking about.

12:39 PM  

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