Friday, December 15, 2006

Massive Storm Hits Seattle - Mothergoat and Dr. Cox are OK

I'm posting this here for the benefit of people who know Mothergoat and Emily and are in our blog ring but may not check the Goat Herd forums regularly.

As you may know, a really, really big storm blew through the Washington and Oregon coasts last night, causing a hell of a lot of destruction. I got in touch with Mothergoat earlier via cell phone. He and Em are OK. No harm, no damage to their place.

Power is out all over the city. He's at work right now with about 25% of the staff just trying to figure out what to do. They're saying it could take a week to get their power up and running, so he won't be on the boards.They only have their cell phones to communicate but no charger access since the grid is down (so if you have their cell #, be sensitive to their battery life). There is a LOT of damage. Power poles, not just power lines, are down everywhere. The damage is MASSIVE. Check out the news articles to get an idea of how bad it is. Trees fell in their parking lot and one actually fell on a townhome across the street. Emily's boss's car AND house had trees fall on them. Em is still going in to work to fill prescriptions as long as they have daylight, but Mothergoat is pretty much stuck, seeing as his work sorta needs power to do anything. So, the bottom line: They are definately ok, but are kinda "marooned" without power.

I'll post updates if they check in with me (depending on their battery life of the cell phone), but don't expect to hear anything from them for a while. Keep them and the residents of the PNW in your prayers, though. From what I understand, there were a few fatalities. The storm didn't just hit the coasts - it hit the east side too, and I haven't even checked to see what the damage is like here yet. I'll post more as I hear it.


Blogger Raoul The Destroyer said...

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. :)

3:45 PM  

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