Monday, March 07, 2005

A Supernatural Gospel

Some wise words by James Montgomery Boice:

"I close this study by suggesting that a gospel in which we must do everything possible to attain a victory over sin - but in which, in spite of all we do or can ever do, the victory when it comes is by God alone and not by us or for our glory - a gospel like that must be from God; it could never have been invented by man. The very nature of our gospel is proof of its divine origin.
Left to ourselves, what will we do? We do one of two things. Either we create a gospel of works, so that our salvation depends upon our own ability to defeat sin and choose righteousness. Or else we retreat into passivity and say, "Since the battle is God's and there is nothing I can do to achieve victory, I might as well just sit back and let God work." To our way of thinking it seems that it must be either of those two choices. But the Bible, through Paul, says something quite different: "Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed - not only in my presence, but now much more in my abscence - continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose" (Phil. 2:12-13, emphasis added).

"The Christian life is not easy. No responsible person ever said it was. It is a battle all the way. But it is a battle that will be won. And when it is won, we who have triumphed will cast our crowns at the feed of the Lord Jesus Christ who worked in us to accomplish the victory, and we will praise him forever. "

James Montgomery Boice
An Expositional Commentary: Romans Vol. 2: The Reign of Grace
Baker Bookhouse Publishing, 2001
Page 770


Blogger Raoul The Destroyer said...

I said, OH YEAH!

12:13 PM  

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