Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Inner Ring

In case you haven't been paying attention the last few days, the list of blogs I link to has grown substantially. Why? Because all of a sudden, there are quite a few blogs by good friends of mine that have gone up! I'm quite pleased with the emersion of this nifty little blog ring, as it makes me feel uber-connected with friends of mine who are anywhere but close to here.

Take some time and peruse those blogs in the "Fellow Shipmates" section of the sidebar and find out what's going on in other parts of the country and the world.


Blogger quijotefan83 said...

We now have more blog links then a mormon family.

... seriously...

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so happy everyone is blogging! It's like old times but without seeing eachother :)

12:06 PM  
Blogger Bugsy said...

I do love to read everyones Blogs. Especially when I am missing peeps. I check everyones daily... yeah I know, that's depressing, but oh well!

7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's funny is that my wife seems to have more visitors than I do and I made her new one just a couple of days ago. ;)

10:35 PM  
Blogger Raoul The Destroyer said...

Emily: Yeah, it really does kind of feel like old times without seeing each other. I think it's just awesome. I feel extremely connected! It's very cool to see that our little community continues to stay strong over the years and after so many moves!

scoville - yeah, that is kind of funny. Perhaps it's because you haven't updated for a while... hint hint. ;)

Try doing what I do - post deliberately offensive material and get people to argue with you in the comments section of your blog. That should kick up some dirt. ;)

12:07 AM  
Blogger Raoul The Destroyer said...


11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

teh interweb FTW!!!!

12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imagine that.Raoul posting deliberately irritating material. Could anyone have ever imagined?
By the way Q, hidden in the Washington hills we do have a large, very large, contingent of mo-mo
cousins. So far a certain grandmother has not remembered to rat out Raoul. But one day.....ding dong.
An unsuspecting Raoul and Jumping Jayhawk will be attacked with a specially trained group of LDS
strike forces offering Raoul his own planet....(Does that mean JJ just gets her own moon?)

Calvinists everywhere live in fear of that confrontation. After all, your own planet. Oh, and
don't forget the special underwear,polygamy and such...The Eugenist

12:15 PM  
Blogger Raoul The Destroyer said...

You act like I've never talked with Mormons before. I have. Many times. And I freaked them out.

Mormon: "God gave us free will to choose to follow him."

Me: "I don't believe in free will."

Mormon: *Stunned silence as the strategy for his argument dissolves before his eyes*

Me: *cold, blank stare*

Mormon: "Wh... wh... what?"

Me: "You heard me. I don't believe in free will."

Mormon: *Continued stunned silence...*

The conversation didn't last much longer after that.

Our relatives will get the exact same response if they pull that stunt.

In the meantime, Dad, stick to responses that correspond with the subject matter of the original post. ;)

4:27 PM  
Blogger Bugsy said...

aaw Common Raoul. You know D's gotta have the randomness.. and I have to say it gave me many memories to laugh at reading his post :-) Maybe the Folks should get a blog up and running and they can post all there random stories there! Like when D was kidnapped by the mormons! Great story to share with the "Inner Ring" that holds our family/friends. Maybe you could do that with them when they come to invade ;-D

6:04 PM  
Blogger Raoul The Destroyer said...

I've actually thought about doing that for a while for 2 reasons:

1. It would give them the aforementioned blog so they can post their own thoughts

2. It would also give both of them their own user names so they no longer keep posting as anonymous users.

Both are very good things.

6:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But we love skulking around anonymously so much...

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Raoul and B's parents! I haven't heard from either of you for a while. Hope all is well. Sorry Raoul, I didn't know of another avenue to say hello to them other than your blog or B's. :)

8:22 PM  
Blogger Arely said...

AWE... !

12:45 PM  
Blogger Tracey said...

Hey! I got a blog too!!! Can I be cool like you? I'm only going to post this on your blog, I figure your fam will check this and see... (the fam includes that police officer we call our friend)!

Good luck with finals and thanks for leading me in the right direction with the links!!!!

8:02 PM  
Blogger Ida125 said...

i'm glad that i'm considered part of the fam, even if it is by a fireman's daughter.

Raoul, i love your parents posts, esp your dad's. They add such spice! and i must say, the prospect of owning one's own planet has appealed to us, though i say we stick to our original plan of taking over this one.

still trying to figure out who Scoville and his wife are... have i actually met you guys?

2:22 PM  
Blogger Tracey said...

ok... I think I am going to disown this "fam" if I am not added to the "inner rings" on your blogs soon... you have all checked your blogs and yet I haven't been added... I see where I rank to all of you... Police officer's included (since he doesn't return phone calls or messages...)

Keep on studying!!! Finals are almost over!

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've met you only once,I think. It was far too brief. I'm pretty sure you've had more opportunities to get to know my wife.

6:22 AM  

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