An Alarm Clock That May Actually Work For Me...
They've invented an alarm clock that actually runs off and hides somewhere in your house after you hit the snooze alarm.
This could, potentially, be the most important technological innovation of the 21st century.
And it could also go a hell of a long way to getting me out of bed in the morning.
Just a hint, but this would make a very good birthday present. ;)
This could, potentially, be the most important technological innovation of the 21st century.
And it could also go a hell of a long way to getting me out of bed in the morning.
Just a hint, but this would make a very good birthday present. ;)
This is hysterical...and just what you need. It doesn't sound like they are in production yet...maybe by October. You could follow Jay Leno and get a cat...
the whole cat idea only works if you don't feed them the night before... in which case they will tear at your flesh until you finally get out of bed and feed them... after which they will go to sleep... until they are hungry again.
Wasn't that a zombie movie?
Weren't clocks like these in one of the Harry Potter books???
Let me know when those clocks come out... I need one as well! :)
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