Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Anonymity: Aftermath

Well, our spirited little talk on anonymity has resulted in a few consequences/changes that I'm sure you've been aware of around here and on other members of our little blog ring. My very wise brother has implemented a nifty little device called "comment moderating" that allows him to approve comments before they are posted. To avoid further anonymity breeches, I have also enabled that handy device, meaning that I now control ALL of the content that will be posted in the comments section, and can guarantee there will be no more "slips of the tongue," so to speak.

This does NOT mean that I can edit your comments and what not... so strive to keep them devoid of real names. It does mean, however, that if posts do contain real names, THEY WILL NEVER BE POSTED. PERIOD. Bear this in mind as you go about making comments from now on... ;)

In less logistical news, I have received several requests for pictures of the great pacific northwest (and one outright demand that I get a digital camera from the aforementioned brother). Very well. I'm going to put that at the top of my list of things to get for Christmas. ;)

My advisor's here... more to come later...


Blogger Raoul The Destroyer said...

Could you post a link to it here? You know... make it easier for the 'rents to find it. :)

3:49 PM  
Blogger Jumping Jayhawk said...

I know this may be a stretch, but Raoul, you could use my digital camera!

12:05 PM  
Blogger Raoul The Destroyer said...

Yeah, I could... but I'd have to trim down the pictures substantially.

1:02 PM  

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