Thursday, September 01, 2005


What a name.

Anyway, I'm not going to waste your time with trite whinings about how the federal government is moving too slowly or whatever bullcrap other blogs are posting about right now. As a matter of fact, I would be flabbergasted if they weren't moving slowly to get to certain places right now. After all, the area affected by the devastation is the SIZE OF THE ENTIRE COUNTRY OF ENGLAND. Oh, and that whole little bit about how relief workers are getting shot at. Yeah. Gee. I wonder why things are "taking so long."

The Point: Ease off. If you don't like how "slowly" things are going, stop blogging, get off your lazy fat butt, put on some clothes for a change, and find something useful to do with yourself. A person who complains in the face of a disaster like this is absolutely useless. Do something first. Help fix the problem. THEN you can complain after we're all finished.

Furthermore, let's be thankful that things didn't turn out WORSE. Yes, that's right. There is something POSITIVE in all of this even if it is a bit hard to see right now. And no, I do not believe that it is difficult to see simply because of the magnitude of the disaster itself. Instead, I believe it is hard to see because of the poison spilling out of people's hearts through their mouths and their actions.

A mob of armed men tried to violently seize a children's hospital today.

The human response to the problem is the worst disaster of all in Katrina's wake.


Excuses of desperation be damned. Sick kids? Come on, people.

The good news is that there ARE a lot of things being done to help. Some may say that it's too early for any optimism in this situation, especially since we still don't have a complete survey of the damaged areas yet (and, of course, no final body count), but in the end things will be ok. They always are, after all. Homes can be rebuilt. The dead can be buried. Flooded cities can be drained. All it takes is for us to remember our humanity for a split second. You know, that beautiful part in all of us that is capable of doing some good? The Image of God we stole from Him in the garden? Yeah, that's the one. Whip it out. Be compassionate. Oh, and have a little hope. This too shall pass.

Until then, my thoughts and prayers with all the survivors, and I'm going to go and see what I can do to help (I am not immune from my own criticisms, after all).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:37 AM  
Blogger Raoul The Destroyer said...

Again, another advertisement. Leave me REAL comments, people!

10:32 PM  

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