Thursday, April 28, 2005


Ever have one of those conversations with someone that just doesn't go so well? How you were sure you had something figured out and then find out that you're perception of the situation is incorrect?

Ever felt like you've tried your hardest to communicate what you want to say, but it never seems to come out right? Or try to make a situation right, and the other person says that things are fine, but the tone and timbre of their voice indicates that they're just settling so they can shut you up and move on to something else?

Ever wished that you could perfectly communicate both your intention and your meaning and have them both be perfectly understood by the listener? Ever been so frustrated by your own inarticulation of your message that you beg the other person just to tell you if they have any idea what you're talking about?

Ever been uncertain about what qualifies as walking all over another person and what qualifies as maintaining your own individuality? Ever wondered if you're the most selfish person on the planet? Ever wondered if the things people say in anger are really true or just designed to hurt you?

Ever tried to analyze your own character yet lacked the proper devices of perception to perceive and compensate for a fault that everyone you know keeps telling you that you have? Ever wished you could see yourself perfectly framed in the crystal-clear lense of truth so that you can quickly see what needs to be amended and what can be left well enough alone?

Ever been so frustrated at trying to be at peace with all people that you long for nothing more than pure and utter isolation from all other human beings? Ever wanted to be stranded by yourself on a desert island like Robinson Crusoe?

Ever wished you knew how to tell her how much you love her without the words falling from your lips dead, imperfect, and inadequate?

Ever defended what you believe is right to the point of loosing friends? Ever forgotten that the truth matters more than what other people think of you? Ever let petty concerns and foolish material gain cloud your mind to the things that really matter in this life?

Ever found yourself face to face with the Almighty, and suddenly realize that if it weren't for His Grace, you would be dead? A wretched, imperfect, blind, shuddering, weak, marred image of Almighty God quaking in the presence of the Original, longing for truth and mercy?

Ever realized just how much another person loves you and has been trying to show that to you, and then also realize that you weren't paying attention because you were too wrapped up in looking for something else from them that you missed it? Did you kick yourself, too?

Ever realized just how blind you are?

To everything?

Son of David, I want to see...


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