Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Action Figure Collecting Tips

Here are a few tips for any of you who may be interested in pursuing the hobby of action figure collecting.

  1. Abandon all hope if you dare try to collect Star Wars figures. There are just too many, and people will laugh at you and you will gain 100 pounds and loose all of your hair. It's just not healthy. Don't do it!
  2. Always always always always check what you have sitting around in your closet FIRST. You never know what treasures you may have already sitting in your closet!
  3. When selling, always remember that a figure is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Keep an eye on ebay to see what is currently selling well, and strike while the iron is hot!
  4. Rarity + Popularity = Big returns for a figure. See Cortana from Halo series 1 for example.
  5. Sometimes it may take a few YEARS for a figure to reach a good resale value. Patience is key in this hobby.
  6. Never collect Halo figures for any other purpose besides turning around and selling them on ebay immediately.
  7. Re: Marvel Legends chase figures: Just give up, man. You'll only ever find them on ebay for infinity billion dollars.
  8. Never spend more than $15.00 on a figure (apart from shipping). There are very few exceptions to this rule (see rule 3).
  9. Never never never never petition for pointless action figures on a company's online bulletin board. We do not need twelve versions of Freddy Kruger floating around there. Give input where it's asked for, and keep it civil. We all want a Balrog, to be sure, but there are proper ways of pursuing such ends.
  10. Let's face it... there are only two reasons to collect things MOC... to sell them later at a high price, or because you just really really really like the figure.
  11. Never get sucked into any form of completionism. Ever. Period. It's just not healthy.
  12. Variants are stupid. You don't need them. So don't buy them.
  13. When possible, support your local retailers. Otherwise, ebay and online stores are the best places to find stuff ever!
  14. PACE YOURSELF. You don't have to buy something from every line.
  15. Never buy a figure you don't absolutely, completely, 100% want.
  16. Remember... you only make your girlfriend mad when you spend more money on the figures than you do on her. She always comes first.
  17. Some good lines to start out on:
  • Marvel Legends
  • McFarlane Sports Picks
  • Spawn
  • Alien Vs. Predator

And for the more mature collector:

  • Classic G.I. Joe
  • Anything and everything ever done by ReSaurus
  • Classic Transformers
  • Old School Star Wars Figures


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